Local Contacts
Scope of this chapter
Note for completion: Please supply as much accurate information as possible and create a new row for each individual contact.
This chapter was updated in August 2023.
Name | Details |
Leeds City Council Switchboard |
Assistance in obtaining the correct department for details Tel: 0113 222 4444 Lines are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, except Wednesdays when we open at 10am. Website: Contact us - Leeds City Council |
Concerns about a Child/Young Person |
Practitioners: 0113 3760336 or email childscreening@leeds.gov.uk Members of the Public: 0113 2224403 If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger or at risk of significant harm, they should ring 999 and ask for the Police. |
Out of Hours |
Children's Emergency Duty Team: 0113 535 0600 |
Early Help Hubs |
The Early Help Hubs provide advice and support to clusters and partners working in the three localities to ensure seamless, co-ordinated and effective early help support and a 'getting it right first time' response East Email: eastearlyhelp@leeds.gov.uk West Email: westearlyhelp@leeds.gov.uk South Email: southearlyhelp@leeds.gov.uk |
Voice and Influence Team |
Advocacy support for children/young people in Leeds who are connected with Social Care. You can contact the Voice Influence Change Team at VIC@leeds.gov.uk and also information about how we promote the voice and influence of parent’s carers and families is available: Parent carer and families (Leeds for Learning) |
Children Looked After Service |
Children with Disability Service |
CHAD/OT Tel: 0113 378 5140 Regional Specialist Team Tel: 0113 535 1490 |
Family Group Conference |
A Family Group Conference (FGC) is a voluntary meeting that takes place to help find solutions to family problems. FGC teams: South: 0113 3784159 East/Northeast: 0113 3784899 West/Northwest: 0113 3782474 Email: fgcadmin@leeds.gov.uk |
Virtual School |
The Virtual School is responsible for ensuring that all children looked after fulfilling their educational potential. Tel: 0113 378 1469 you email VirtualSchool@leeds.gov.uk Further information can be found at: One minute guide: The Virtual School in Leeds |
Leaving Care Service |
Leeds Care Leaver Service: 0113 378 6771 Further information can be found at: Leaving care |
Fostering |
Fostering Team Duty : 0113 378 3388 email: fosterduty@leeds.gov.uk Further information can be found at: Foster4Leeds |
Adoption Support Team |
Tel: 0113 323 3621 Further information can be found at: One Adoption |
Connected Persons Team |
Connected persons team - Tel: 0113 378 3537 Email: KinshipDutyTeam@leeds.gov.uk SGO – Email specialguardianshipteam@leeds.gov.uk Further information can be found at: One minute guide: kinship care |
Adult Social Care |
Tel: 0113 222 4401 Further information can be found at: Adult social care Urgent out of hours: social care emergency contacts |
Private Fostering |
Contact centre for notifications from parents, private foster carers or other members of the public, phone: 0113 222 4403 Duty and Advice Team for notifications from practitioners, phone: 0113 376 0336 Referrals for Private Fostering assessments and other queries: privatefostering@leeds.gov.uk, Tel: 0113 378 3537 Further information can be found at: One minute guide: private fostering |
Leeds Directory |
Leeds Directory can support you to live well by connecting you to checked and vetted local services and tradespeople as well as local activities and events. Tel: 0113 378 4610 or email leedsdirectory@leeds.gov.uk, weekdays 9am to 5pm |
Last Updated: August 5, 2024