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Local Contacts

Local Contacts

Scope of this chapter

Note for completion: Please supply as much accurate information as possible and create a new row for each individual contact.


This chapter was updated in August 2023.

August 4, 2023

Name Details

Leeds City Council Switchboard

Assistance in obtaining the correct department for details

Tel: 0113 222 4444 

Lines are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, except Wednesdays when we open at 10am.

Website: Contact us - Leeds City Council

Concerns about a Child/Young Person

Practitioners: 0113 3760336 or email

Members of the Public: 0113 2224403

If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger or at risk of significant harm, they should ring 999 and ask for the Police.

Out of Hours

Children's Emergency Duty Team: 0113 535 0600

Early Help Hubs

The Early Help Hubs provide advice and support to clusters and partners working in the three localities to ensure seamless, co-ordinated and effective early help support and a 'getting it right first time' response


Tel: 0113 535 1899


Tel: 0113 535 1924 


Tel: 0113 535 0185

Voice and Influence Team

Advocacy support for children/young people in Leeds who are connected with Social Care. 

You can contact the Voice Influence Change Team at and also information about how we promote the voice and influence of parent’s carers and families is available: Parent carer and families (Leeds for Learning)

Children Looked After Service

Children with Disability Service

CHAD/OT Tel: 0113 378 5140

Regional Specialist Team Tel: 0113 535 1490 

Family Group Conference

A Family Group Conference (FGC) is a voluntary meeting that takes place to help find solutions to family problems.

FGC teams: 

South: 0113 3784159

East/Northeast: 0113 3784899

West/Northwest: 0113 3782474


Virtual School

The Virtual School is responsible for ensuring that all children looked after fulfilling their educational potential. 

Tel: 0113 378 1469 you email

Further information can be found at: One minute guide: The Virtual School in Leeds

Leaving Care Service

Leeds Care Leaver Service:  0113 378 6771
Emergency and out of hours: 0113 535 0600

Further information can be found at: Leaving care


Fostering Team Duty : 0113 378 3388 email: 

Further information can be found at: Foster4Leeds

Adoption Support Team

Adopting in West Yorkshire

Tel: 0113 323 3621

Further information can be found at: One Adoption

Connected Persons Team

Connected persons team - Tel: 0113 378 3537


SGO – Email

Further information can be found at: One minute guide: kinship care

Adult Social Care

Tel: 0113 222 4401

Further information can be found at: Adult social care

Urgent out of hours: social care emergency contacts

Private Fostering

Contact centre for notifications from parents, private foster carers or other members of the public, phone: 0113 222 4403

Duty and Advice Team for notifications from practitioners, phone: 0113 376 0336

Referrals for Private Fostering assessments and other queries:, Tel: 0113 378 3537

Further information can be found at: One minute guide: private fostering

Leeds Directory

Leeds Directory can support you to live well by connecting you to checked and vetted local services and tradespeople as well as local activities and events. 

Tel:  0113 378 4610 or email, weekdays 9am to 5pm

Last Updated: August 5, 2024
