List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers
Scope of this chapter
The Scheme of Delegation was reviewed in February 2025.
This chapter was updated in February 2025.
1. | Reception in Care Accommodation | |
1.1 | Decision to apply for Emergency Protection Order | Head of Service |
1.2 | Decision to institute Care Proceedings | Decision and Review Panel/Head of Service |
1.3 | Approval of Review Plan | Head of Service/Service Delivery Manager |
1.4 | Decision to seek variation of contact | Service Delivery Manager |
Decision to seek termination of contact | Service Delivery Manager | |
1.5 | Surgical/Medical Treatment | |
To authorise treatment where parent cannot be contacted | Service Delivery Manager | |
To authorise treatment where parent is unwilling to give consent | Head of Service | |
Decision to withdraw treatment | Director | |
1.6 | Placement under Placement with Parents Regulations | |
1.6.1 | Planned placement | Head of Service |
1.6.2 | Emergency placement | Head of Service |
1.7 | Application to discharge Care Order | Service Delivery Manager |
1.8 | Foster Carer approval | Fostering Panel |
1.9 | Decision to place for adoption | Agency Decision Manager |
2. | Child Protection | |
2.1 | Decision regarding appropriate medical examination | Team Manager |
2.2 | Decision regarding closing an investigation | Team Manager |
2.3 | Decision not to investigate the same day | Team Manager |
2.4 | Decision not to convene a case conference | Team Manager |
3. | Holiday Approvals | |
3.1 | Abroad | |
Consent to travel abroad | Service Delivery Manager | |
Letter for Carers to Demonstrate Consent for Child Travel | Service Delivery Manager | |
3.2 | In the UK | Foster Carer |
3.3 | Approval of Passport Applications | Head of Service |
4. | Kinship Carers | |
4.1 | Emergency approval | Head of Service |
4.2 | Permanent approval | Fostering Panel |
1. | Section 17 | |
1.1 | Approval of one-off payments up to £100 | Team Manager |
1.2 | Approval of one-off payments up to £1000 | Service Delivery Manager |
1.3 | Approval of regular weekly payments (up to accumulative total of £1000) | Service Delivery Manager |
1.4 | Regular payments in excess of £1000 total (up to accumulative value of £20,000) | Finance Panel |
Above £20,000 | Chief Officer | |
2. | Young People in Residential Care | |
2.1 | Approval of one-off payments up to £100 | Team Manager |
2.2 | Approval of one-off payments up to £1000 | Service Delivery Manager |
2.3 | Approval of regular weekly payments (up to accumulative total of £1000) | Service Delivery Manager |
2.4 | Regular payments in excess of £1000 total (up to accumulative value of £20,000) | Finance Panel |
Above £20,000 | Chief Officer | |
2.5 | Extraordinary requests for special items from establishment budgets up to £500 | Principal Unit Manager |
2.6 | Extraordinary requests for special items from establishment budgets more than £500 | Head of Service |
3. | External Placements | Deputy Director/Director |
IFA Independent Fostering Agency | Head of Service | |
4. | Leaving Care Grants | |
4.1 | Up to £3000 on policy | Service Delivery Manager |
More than £3000 and off policy | Head of Service Delivery | |
5. | Child Arrangements Order and Special Guardianship Orders | |
5.1 | Approval of allowance and/or payment of legal fees | Service Delivery Manager |
6. | Adoption Allowances | |
6.1 |
Children with a plan for adoption The following will be eligible for financial support if:
At the point of the plan for SHOBPA the agency decision maker will make a decision regarding the child’s eligibility for financial support. The financial support should be recommended by the social workers and family finder and agreed prior to the match being heard at the adoption panel by the local authority finance panel. This should be confirmed in the adoption support plan finance section so the agency decision maker is aware of the agreed plan of support when the match is agreed. Following the making of an adoption order if an adopter is experiencing real financial hardship and considers that a child’s welfare might be affected or put at risk then One Adoption West Yorkshire will carry out an assessment if requested, to determine whether support, including financial support is required to support the family under section 17 of the Children Act 1989. This will take into account the adopters circumstances and the needs of the child/ren and also taking into account the resources of the family to meet those needs. If there is real financial hardship that would put the children’s welfare at risk, the Local Authority would ensure that the children’s basic needs are met, whilst undertaking these assessments. Requests for support need to be considered individually and subject to a financial assessment. There should be no duplications of welfare benefits available. There may be exceptional circumstances when March 2022 the means test will be waived due to the specific circumstances of the situation taking into account any hardship that may occur if the support is not provided. These decisions will be made in the LA by the resource panel/ permanence panel. |
7. | Hire of cars/train journeys for purposes of work outside of Leeds | Team Managers |
Last Updated: February 10, 2025